The PNOC Renewables Corporation and the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) officials joined together in a momentous occasion before the year ends to inaugurate the Solar PV Rooftop Project for the PICC. Held on 28 December 2018 at the Summit Hall Delegation Building, the event is one of the highlights of PNOC RC’s energy efficiency program for government agencies, and their most significant accomplishment in terms of scale. This is the largest rooftop solar PV system that PNOC RC has installed as of date, showcasing it on the world-class facility for global conventions and exhibits of the PICC.
A capacity of 1,050kWp, or more than 1 Megawatt of solar PV was installed on the Reception and Plenary Hall (600kWp) , Secretariat Hall (210 kWp) and Delegation Hall 240 kWp). The said installations shall be operated and maintained by PNOC RC within the agreed cooperation period. The solar PV system will provide PICC with clean solar energy and shall displace around 1,200,000 kWh annually of electricity from the grid. Apart from the electricity savings, it would offset more than one thousand metric tons of carbon emissions from fossil fuel energy sources. The installation shall be turned over to PICC after the agreed period of operation and maintenance.
The event was attended by high ranking officials from both government organizations. This shows that with cooperation between government entities, we could realize energy efficiency projects of this magnitude. And with full support from government, similar initiatives could be implemented nationwide.